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  IELTS Speaking Topic
  Weather (2)

  IELTS Speaking Topic
  Weather (2)
  On this page we've gathered useful IELTS speaking vocabulary for Weather topic.
  It can be used to answer various questions about weather on IELTS Speaking test, which will help you achieve a high score.
  Snowy weather:
  snow-covered: covered with snow.冰雪覆盖
  eg. In the winter my family and I go skiing to the snow-covered hills of Switzerland.
  heavy snow: when a lot of snow falls.大雪
  eg. Children went to school in spite of the heavy snow.
  frosty: cold.霜冻的;冷若冰霜的
  eg. Continental climate implies hot summers and frosty winters.
  snowstorm: large amounts of wind and snow.暴风雪
  eg. I don’t like winters because of frequent snowstorms.
  hail: when small balls of ice (hailstones) fall from the sky. 冰雹
  eg. After the hail, we found hailstones that were the size of golf balls!
  Windy weather:
  high wind = strong wind.大风
  eg. In the autumn strong winds are quite frequent.
  breeze: a nice gentle wind.微风
  eg. I don’t usually like windy weather, but a light breeze from the ocean makes me happy.
  wind chill factor: when the wind makes the air feel colder than the real temperature.风冷效应
  eg. In my hometown it’s very windy in the winter. And though the temperature rarely goes below zero, with wind chill factor it feels like minus 10!
  Sunny weather:
  sunshine: the heat and light of the sun.日光
  eg. I love summertime because of the long days and bright sunshine.
  dry: with no rain.干燥
  eg. Summers in Turkey are often hot and dry.
  heat stroke (sun stroke): a serious heat illness because of being too long in hot weather.中暑
  eg. It’s often boiling hot in my city in the summer and a lot of people suffer from heat stroke.

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