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  第 一套写作
  For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to a foreign friend who wants to study in China.Please recommend a university to him. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.
  Dear Jim,
  I am writing this letter for the purpose ofrecommending a university to you since I have heard that you plan to study inChina. From my perspective, the most suitable one for you is Peking University,one of China’s top institutions of higher education. The reasons why I recommend this universitycan be listed as follows. First and foremost, it has high reputation inacademic research, so you can fully devote yourself to study and make greatprogress there. Moreover, abundant extracurricular activities and theharmonious atmosphere in campus would allow you to make many friends and enjoythe life. Besides, Peking university is located in Beijing, the capital as wellas the cultural center of China. Thus, you can visit many great scenic spotsand explore the city in your spare time. If there is any chance, you could come toBeijing and have a campus tour in person, which may help you make the finaldecision. I am looking forward to your arrival and please feel free to contactme for further information.
  Yours sincerely,
  Li Ming
  For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to a foreign friend who wants to teach English in China.Please recommend a city to him. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.
  I’m glad to knowthat you will come to China to teach English. So I’m writing this letter torecommend a city to you.
  Compared withother cities, Beijing, as the capital city of China, owns many advantages. onthe one hand, as the cultural and economic center of China, Beijing is home tomany famous universities. Therefore, there are greater demands for learningEnglish in this city. A host of qualified English teachers like you will findit easy to find a job here. On the other hand, Beijing is an internationalmetropolis where you can enjoy a decent salary and a wonderful life byteaching. I deem that if you teach in Beijing, the future of your life andcareer development will be promising.
  I hope myrecommendation can provide some references for you and wish you a delightfuljourney in China. Looking forward to your reply.
  Yours sincerely,
  Li Ming

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