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  On this page we've gathered useful IELTS s

  On this page we've gathered useful IELTS speaking vocabulary for Weather topic.
  It can be used to answer various questions about weather on IELTS Speaking test, which will help you achieve a high score.
  boiling hot: an expression to describe a very hot weather. 炙热
  eg.The last summer was boiling hot, the average temperature reached 40 degrees!
  mild: warm and pleasant. 温和宜人
  eg.The weather in my country is mild in spring.
  warm 暖
  chilly: cold.冷
  eg.It's chilly today, so I think you should wear a coat.
  freezing cold: very cold.严寒
  eg. I wanted to go ice skating on the New Year day, but it was freezing cold and I decided to stay home.
  degrees Celsius: used to measure the temperature. 温度
  eg.In the autumn, the average temperature here is 15 degrees Celsius
  to go below zero: to become negative (about temperatures).零下
  eg.The temperature often goes below zero in the winter.
  Cloudy weather:
  gloomy: weather with dark clouds and dull light.阴霾的
  eg.Personally, I don’t like gloomy weather. It makes me feel depressed.
  clear: without clouds.晴天
  eg.I adore clear weather, when there are no clouds on the sky.
  to clear up: when clouds and rain disappear.雨过天晴
  eg.After a long rain, it finally cleared up.
  Rainy weather:
  to be drenched (to the skin): to be completely soaked with water.湿透;落汤鸡
  eg.I forgot to take an umbrella and was drenched in the rain.
  gentle rain: light rain.小雨
  drizzle: a light rain that falls in very small drops.毛毛细雨
  eg.It often drizzles in the morning.
  downpour: a heavy fall of rain.倾盆大雨
  eg.What a downpour! We are drenched to the skin.
  to pour down: to rain heavily.瓢泼大雨
  eg.I like rainy weather. When it pours down, we sit at home with my family, talk and drink hot tea.
  humid: containing a high amount of water.潮湿
  eg.In my country the climate is generally cold and humid, especially in the north.

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