终于懂了英语等级考试三级写作模拟练习题 英语练习


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终于懂了英语等级考试三级写作模拟练习题 英语练习

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  Write an essay of 160-200 words bas

  Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing.In your essay,you should:
  1.describe the drawing briefly,
  2.explain its intended meaning,and then
  3.state your point of view.
  A first glace at this picture gives us the impression that it is a common running competition.Yet,a more careful survey reveals that the participants of the race come from different countries,as is indicated by their skin colors.The banner behind further tells us that the event was held jointly by Chinese and American students on the symbolic site of the Great Wall.
  Anyone who sees this picture would be convinced that such an activity must generate international friendship among the young.As is commonly known,sports usually serve the role of“ambassador”among nations,greatly promoting mutual understanding and communication between different peoples.Take the Sino-U.S.relation as an example,against the background of the Cold War in the 1970s,the cold relation between the two countries was firstly warmed up not by politicians but ping-pong players from both countries.Moreover,the Olympic Games is also endeavoring to achieve the ultimate goal of uniting the world’s citizens by encouraging them to compete fairly in the domain of sports.
  To briefly conclude,sport activities and competitions not only bring forth personal enjoyment and friendship among common people,but more importantly,beneficial exchanges across countries,and for that matter,world peace and prosperity.In particular,they can also help shape a more sound relationship among future generations.

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