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  1. 九个“决定”
  decide to do sth
  make a decision to do sth
  determine to do sth
  be determined to do sth
  make a determination to do sth
  resolve to do sth
  make a resolution to do sth
  make up one’s mind to do sth
  set one’s mind to do sth
  2. 两个“尽可能......”
  as … as possible
  as…as you can
  3. 五个“乐意做……”
  be glad to do sth
  be pleased to do sth
  be happy to do sth
  be delighted to do sth
  have pleasure to do sth
  4. 九个“准备做……”
  get ready for sth
  get sth. ready
  be ready for sth
  be ready to do sth
  prepare for sth
  prepare oneself for sth
  prepare to do sth
  prepare sth. for sb
  be prepared for sth
  5. “邀请”与“请求”
  Would you like to do sth.?
  Would you like sth.?
  Would you please do…?
  (回答:I’d like/love to.)
  6. 四个“没用”
  It is no use (in)doing sth.
  There is no use doing sth.
  It is useless to do sth.
  It is no good (in) doing sth.
  7. 三个“结果”
  ...enough to do sth
  too … to…
  8. 六个“花费”
  sb. spends some time/money on sth
  sb. spends some time/money (in) doing sth
  sb. pays some money for sth
  sth. costs (sb.) some money
  It takes (sb. )some time to do sth
  It takes some time for sb. to do sth
  9. 五个“为了”
  so that (引导目的状语从句,只位于句尾)
  in order that (引导目的状语从句)
  so as to do sth. (引导目的状语,只位于句尾)
  in order to do sth. (引导目的状语,可首可尾)
  to do sth. (引导目的状语,可首可尾)
  10. 三个“以至于不......”
  so … that…not…
  not…enough to…
  11. 两个“习惯”
  be/get used to doing sth
  be/get accustomed to doing sth
  12. 两个“建议”
  What about sth./doing sth.?
  How about sth./doing sth.?
  13. 四个“出什么毛病了”
  What’s the matter with…?
  What’s wrong with…?
  What’s the trouble with…?
  What happens to…?
  14. 两个“为什么不......”
  Why not do sth.?
  Why don’t you do sth?
  15. 三个“不但……而且……”
  not only…but also
  not only…but…
  not only…but …as well
  16. 五个“劝阻”“阻止”
  stop sb. (from) doing
  prevent sb. (from) doing
  keep sb. from doing
  discourage sb. from doing sth
  dissuade sb. from doing sth
  17. 四个“相处”
  get on (well) with sb
  get along (well) with sb
  mix with sb
  mix well with sb
  18. 五个“因为”
  thanks to
  due to
  because of
  as a result of
  owing to
  19. 两个“形式”
  It’s adj. (for/of sb. ) to do sth. (形式主语)
  find/think/feel it adj. to do sth. (形式宾语)
  20. stress句型汇总
  be stressed out
  be under a lot of stress
  take/stand the stress忍受压力
  put stress on sth.强调
  21. 两个“弥补”
  make up for
  compensate for
  22. 五个“在...…看来”
  in one’s opinion
  to one’s mind
  in one’s view
  in one’s eye
  according to sb
  23. 三个“丢”
  be lost
  be missing
  be gone
  24. 八个“著名”
  be famous for sth
  be famous to sb
  be famous as
  be famous to sb. as
  be known for sth
  be known to sb
  be known as
  be known to sb. as
  25. 四个“满意”
  be satisfied with
  be pleased with
  be happy with
  be delighted with
  26. 四个“为……而高兴”
  be pleased for sb
  be happy for sb
  be glad for sb
  be delighted for sth
  27. 两个“祝贺”
  congratulate sb. on sth
  congratulations to sb. on sth
  28. 两个“道歉”
  apologize to sb. for sth
  make an apology to sb. for sth
  29. 三个“玩得高兴”
  have a good time
  have fun (doing sth)
  enjoy oneself
  30. 七个“一……就……”
  as soon as
  the moment
  the minute
  the instant

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