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  16. “Which girl is your daughter, Mr. White? ”
  “Oh, look, that little one in red.”
  A. a
  B. an
  C. /
  D. the
  17. The thing to remember is to close the windows before you leave.
  A. only
  B. most important
  C. very
  D. biggest
  18. WTO is the short form for World Trade ___________.
  A. Organization
  B. Occupation
  C. Owner
  D. Office
  19. He is a man who is fond of ________ activities.
  A. outdoor
  B. outside
  C. out
  D. out of
  20. We should walk on the _________ not on the road.
  A. pavement
  B. street
  C. way
  D. corner
  21. They have many ________ including three black cats.
  A. pandas
  B. pears
  C. pets
  D. peaches
  22. You’re late. The manager has already came.
  A. terrible
  B. nearly
  C. terribly
  D. near
  23. He living in the country to the city.
  A. likes
  B. prefers
  C. enjoys
  D. loves
  24. There is in today’s newspaper.
  A. new anything
  B. new something
  C. anything new
  D. something new
  25. Help to the apples, children.
  A. you
  B. yours
  C. yourselves
  D. yourself
  26. ______ house is beautiful. But ______ is more beautiful than ________.
  A. Toms … my … he
  B. Tom's … mine … his
  C. Tom's … mine … him
  D. Tom's … my … his
  27. “How many people will go to London for the Olympic Games in 2012?”
  “It’s hard to say.___________ people, I think.”
  A. Million of
  B. Millions of
  C. Two millions of
  D. Two million of
  28. 13. I thought the task would be very hard but it ________ to be easy.
  A. showed
  B. made out
  C. had
  D. turned out
  29. We had many pens, but ink.
  A. few
  B. a few
  C. not many
  D. not much
  30. The water vapour when the temperature is above 100℃.
  A. becomes into
  B. makes into
  C. takes into
  D. turns into
  31. China is a country a very long history, a rich culture and many beautiful places.
  A. has
  B. for
  C. in
  D. with
  32. Have you ever why some people are left-handed.
  A. wondered
  B. thought
  C. believed
  D. expected
  33. I’ll go up the ladder, and you can the tools up to me.
  A. give
  B. put
  C. hand
  D. point
  34.________ away this dirty shirt and bring me a clean one.
  A. Pick
  B. Bring
  C. Carry
  D. Take
  35. We should plant more trees because they CO2 and let out O2.
  A. take in
  B. take off
  C. take out
  D. take away

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