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  以下句子来自BBC English at University 和 English

  以下句子来自BBC English at University 和 English at Work
  1 We can tell you're the new kid on the block.
  2 It's nice to see a familiar face.
  3 You're thinking of joining Book Club, aren't you?
  4 That's not really my cup of tea.
  5 I love reading so I think Book Club sounds great, sign me up please.
  6 It's your first university party. You've got to get drunk.
  7 You need to go to registration and complete someforms.
  8 I'm really sorry but I'm not sure what to write.
  9 Could you explain this form to me please?
  10 I know you're busy but I'd be grateful if you could help me.
  11 I'm sure she won't bite your head off.
  12 You'll need to include a photograph of yourself.
  13 Could I borrow a pen please?
  14 All I need now is your passport ... to prove who you are.
  15 You look prettier in real life than you do in your passport photo.
  16 I don't understand, can you explain that again please?
  17 Could you explain that in a different way please?
  18 Thanks. Everything is much clearer now.
  19 The problem is there's always a chatterbox-you know, someone who likes to do all the talking.
  20 Would you mind if I had a chance to speak please?
  21 We'll call it a day for now. I'll see you at my next lecture.
  22 Look at the rain out there. It's pouring.
  23 Maybe I could drop you off on the way home.
  24 Sorry. It's quite a small car so I don't think we'll fit you in.
  25 She is settling into university life.
  26 Could you check if you have any of these books in stock.
  27 Perhaps you could reserve them for me please?
  28 Could you put them by for me when they come in please?
  29 We'll send you an email when they're back in.
  30 When do you think they will be available?
  31 Excuse me, can you tell me if you have any food suitable for vegetarians, please?
  32 Where do I find the knives and forks?
  33 I need some more details before I begin my assignment.
  34 How many words do you want?
  35 How would you like it presented?
  36 How should we deliver it to you when it's finished?
  37 When is the deadline for completing our assignment?
  38 Maybe I could offer some suggestions?
  39 From what I understand, you must study every day and choose a regular place and time to do it.
  40 What works for me is planning my time and deciding what I want to achieve and not being afraid to ask for help.
  41 We have got an assignment to write.
  42 Yeah but we've still got three days.
  43 I work best when the pressure's on.
  44 Your laptop's a bit ancient.
  45 I turned my computer off and didn't back up my work, is there anything you can do?
  46 Do you think you can restore my work please?
  47 I'm having problems meeting the deadline for my assignment.
  48 Is it possible to get an extension for my assignment?
  49 If I could have just one more day, I'd be most grateful.
  50 It won't happen again.
  51 I've been looking all over the place for you.
  52 Oh, it's gone. I must have dropped it.
  53 You should be more careful.
  54 Goodness. You've got stuff all over the place.
  55 It may look chaotic but I'm sure it's here somewhere.
  56 Here are my contact details.
  57 Things aren't looking good.
  58 In future, don't trust Daniel with anything valuable.
  59 I was a little homesick but everyone's been so supportive.
  60 I beg to differ.
  61 He may be in charge but he's not always right.
  62 I find your comments a bit harsh.
  63 I feel I have put in 100 per cent effort this term.
  64 What evidence do you have for your feedback?
  65 I couldn't agree more.
  66 The first term has finished and the Christmas holidays are about to begin.
  67 The students are busy preparing to go home.
  68 I can't wait for my boyfriend to pick me up.
  69 It's going to be great just hanging around, doing nothing for three weeks.
  70 You are not packing your bags.
  71 I left it too late to book a flight home and now they're all sold out.
  72 It's Christmas, you can't spend it on your own.
  73 I'm very touched that you've allowed me to stay with you.
  74 I'm really grateful to have somewhere to stay.
  75 I'm very pleased to have Daniel as a good friend but I think there's been some confusion.
  76 Can I just make it clear... we're not together.
  77 You're going a bit too fast for me.
  78 University life is not all work and no play-it's about having fun too.
  79 You need to let your hair down.
  80 You look glued to that desk.
  81 We have an emergency in the yoga class.
  82 He hurt his back and he needs help.
  83 Is there anything we can do before you arrive?
  84 Your qualifications look impressive.
  85 It looks like you've achieved a lot during your time at university.
  86 Could you give me an example of good team working during your time there?
  87 Timekeeping is important to me.
  88 I always try to complete my work on time.
  89 What exactly made you apply for this job at this company?
  90 Firstly, this job is an ideal match for my skills and experience.
  91 I've spent several years working in sales and I get on with people easily.
  92 Secondly, I know your company is one of the fastest-growing companies in London, and I want to be part of that.
  93 It's my first day in the office.
  94 How are you feeling now?
  95 Excited, but a bit worried.
  96 I really want to make a good first impression.
  97 You must be Tom. I'm Anna. I've just joined the team.
  98 Have you worked here long?
  99 You misunderstood me.
  100 There's enough for everyone if you want some.

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