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所在地: 江苏苏州市
有效期至: 长期有效
发布时间: 2021-12-08 22:40
浏览次数: 87


Humphrey ProControl™ PCD is your versatile valve driver for controlling proportional solenoid valves of one amp or less, regardless of valve manufacturer. It’s compatible with a variety of input signals to accomplish the desired output and drive your valve.  PCD’s user friendly features allow for quick setup, saving valuable time.  A front scroll wheel easily sets each

PCD is compatible with various control logics, such as PLC’s, IOT’s, closed loop sensor feedback configurations and a variety of data acquisition systems. Drive your proportional valve through PCD with a 12 or 24V DC power supply.

Many PCD users bench test their proportional valve with PCD set in manual mode … then transition easily to system level testing using their data acquisition system by "scrolling" PCD to the appropriate setting.

Industries that utilize PCD include the biomedical equipment and devices, which requires accurate performance and precision repeatability. In industrial environments, PCDs are used due to its rugged, durable PACkaging. In analytical and laboratory applications, PCDs are use where simplicity and "plug and play" functions are ideal ….functions such as sensor calibration, precise motor control or equipment evaluations.

PCD features include:

.       Screw-less push button clamp connectors,

.       LCD readout offering real time feedback,

.       Scroll wheel configuration ... no jumpers or potentiometers to adjust ,

.       Manual setting: Easy control of any proportional valve via user friendly scroll,

.       Nine pre-programmed settings for easy plug and play of Humphrey ProControl Valves,

.       Input options: 0-5 Volts DC, 0-10 Volts DC or 4-20 mA.

.       Select output signals from constant current to 1 Amp, or PWM in a variety of frequencies and duty cycles. 


Check out our PCD video:

ProCo<em></em>ntrol PCD Video







Other industry terms for Proportional Valve Driver are Proportional solenoid valve controller, Proportional solenoid valve driver, Proportional solenoid valve evaluator, Proportional solenoid valve operator, PWM proportional solenoid valve controller, Analog proportional solenoid valve controller, Digital proportional valve controller, Data Acquisition valve controller, DAQ valve controller, PWM solenoid valve driver, Pulse Width Modular solenoid valve driver, Bench top proportional valve controller, Proportional valve tester, Miniature proportional valve controller


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