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总算懂得考研学习有关阅读资料整理分享 详细说明

  Tea is beloved by people all over the world. 茶受到了全世界人民的喜爱。 Both green and black tea are made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. 绿茶和红茶都是用茶树的叶子制成的。
  The key difference between the two is that black tea is fermented and green tea is not. 两者的关键区别在于红茶是发酵而成的,而绿茶不是。
  To make black tea, the leaves are first rolLED and then exposed to air to trigger thefermentation process. This reaction causes the leaves to turn dark brown and allows theflavors to heighten and intensify. 制作红茶时,首先将茶叶揉捻一下,然后将其暴露于空气中促使其发酵。该反应会使茶叶变成深褐色,并使茶的味道变得更浓。
  On the other hand, green tea is pan-fried to prevent fermentation and thus is much lighter incolor than black tea. 另一方面,用平底锅煎一下绿茶可以防止其发酵,因此绿茶的颜色比红茶淡得多。
  While green and black tea differ, they may provide some of the same health benefits. 虽然绿茶与红茶不同,但它们也许能提供一些相同的健康效益。
  Both green and black tea are rich in a group of protective antioxidants called polyphenols. Evenmore specifically, they both contain flavonoids, a subgroup of polyphenols. The flavonoids inboth green and black tea are thought to protect your heart. 绿茶和红茶都富含一种多酚类保护性抗氧化剂。更具体地说,它们都含有一种多酚——类黄酮。人们认为绿茶和红茶中的类黄酮可以保护心脏。
  And green and black tea both contain caffeine, a known stimulant. 绿茶和红茶都含有一种已知的。Green tea contains less caffeine than black tea — about 35 mg of caffeine per 8-oz (230-ml) cup for green tea, compared to 39–109 mg for the same serving of black tea. 绿茶中的含量比红茶要少,一杯8盎司(230毫升)的绿茶大约含有35毫克,而同样的一杯红茶则含有39-109毫克。
  Caffeine stimulates your nervous system by blocking the inhibitory neurotransmitter adenosine. It also aids the release of mood-enhancing neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin. 通过阻断抑制性神经递质腺苷来刺激神经系统。它还有助于释放提升情绪的神经递质,如多巴胺和血清素。 Now the difference. 接下来说一下它们的区别。
  Green tea contains EGCG, an antioxidant which in test-tube and animal studies has been shownto fight cancer and bacterial cells and protect both your brain and liver. 绿茶中含有EGCG(一种绿茶提取物),这是一种抗氧化剂,在试管和动物实验中被证明可以抵抗癌症和细菌细胞,保护大脑和肝脏。
  But black tea contains beneficial theaflavins. Theaflavins are a group of polyphenols that areunique to black tea. Theaflavins are unique to black tea. Through their antioxidant effects, they may improve blood vessel function and support fat loss. 而红茶则含有有益的茶黄素。茶黄素是一种多酚类物质,是红茶所特有的。通过抗氧化作用,它们可以改善血管功能,并促进减脂。
  So green and black tea have similar health benefits, including for your heart and brain. Theirantioxidant profiles differ, but while green tea may have more powerful antioxidants, scientificevidence does not strongly favor one tea over the other. 所以绿茶和红茶对心脏和大脑有相似的健康效益。它们的抗氧化特性不同,尽管绿茶可能含有更强的抗氧化剂,但并没有科学证据表明某种茶远胜于另一种茶。
    2020考研英语时事双语阅读:红茶和绿茶的区别"相关内容,考研英语,阅读是重点,这部分的分值较大,考生一定要把握住,希望各位考生能够在小编整理的这篇文章中收获到知识点,对各位考生考研英语备考有所帮助。更多考研英语阅读理解内容尽在中公考研频道~ 相关阅读:

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