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供货总量: 3000 套
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所在地: 江苏 无锡市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-11-22 15:52
浏览次数: 57
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淮安SKF轴承63002-ZN如何适应高温下的正常运转 详细说明


In order to select good bearings in mechanical use, Bi must have a comprehensive and profound understanding of bearings. Generally speaking, bearings are designed according to detaiLED mechanical or mechanical equipment. Users should choose the appropriate bearing size according to the structure and size of the equipment used. At the same time, it is necessary to understand the load that Huaian SKF bearings can bear.


Generally speaking, the selection of bearing Bi must consider the parameters of Zui large load. The main function of bearings is to work under a certain load. Therefore, when choosing bearings, we should calculate the Zui heavy load that the required bearing equipment can bring to bearings. At this time, the corresponding bearing can be selected by calculating the load. These basic factors are choice. A good bearing hub.


Some factors that need to be considered when selecting bearings are the difficulty of installation and disassembly of bearings required by different machines. Some machines need to do some urgent work. Therefore, it is easier and faster to install Huaian SKF bearings. Therefore, some - bearings should be selected. At the same time, bearing life and material quality are also a key factor. Large-scale machinery should choose bearings with long service life and good material.


How to ensure the normal operation of bearings at high temperature?


Modern technologies, such as nuclear power systems, jet engines and gas turbines, usually operate at temperatures ranging from hundreds to thousands of degrees. Obviously, ordinary imported bearing steel can not be used. Bi shall be made of high temperature bearing steel or other high temperature resistant materials. It is generally believed that when the temperature exceeds 120 C, the structure of common bearing steel will change, the yield strength will decrease, and the accuracy will gradually decrease. When the working temperature of imported bearing exceeds the tempering temperature of imported Huaian SKF bearing material, its hardness will decrease significantly. When the working temperature exceeds 180 C, the hardness decreases sharply and early fatigue wear will occur soon. The key to ensure the high temperature operation accuracy and service life of imported bearings is to ensure that the imported bearings have sufficient hardness, size and shape stability at high temperature. Therefore, the following requirements are put forward for high temperature bearing steel:


1) Hardness at high temperature is no less than HRC50-56, and metallographic structure is stable.


2) Good dimensional stability, small coefficient of thermal expansion, no obvious change in structure, good creep resistance and low residual stress at high temperature.


3) Good oxidation resistance, strong adhesion between oxide film and matrix, good wear resistance and fatigue strength, good thermal shock resistance, can withstand the rapid temperature change of Huaian SKF bearing, good thermal conductivity;


4) The other material properties of imported bearing steel.


文章来自:淮安SKF轴承 -

Article from: Huaian SKF Bearing -

文章来自:淮安INA轴承 -

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Article from: Huaian NSK Bearing






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